What strategies should be
used to communicate women's health to practitioners?
ADEA can play a key role by disseminating information on women’s health to
dental schools with specific examples and recommendations for curriculum
inclusion. ADEA can also encourage all faculty and schools to host teaching
forums and instructional seminars on women’s health (e.g., on weekends, during
the summer). ADEA can make women’s health a part of the ADEA Annual Session
& Exhibition agenda (i.e., call for abstracts and presentations on women’s
health topics).
- Continuing
education credits on women’s health and interdisciplinary practice.
- Distribute
(emails, on website) monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly newsletter highlighting
research, commentary, narrative, curriculum ideas or faculty working on women’s
health in dentistry or applicable work from other disciplines.
- Organize
a 1-2 day series/session of presentations, curriculum development workshops and
forums on women’s health.
- Use
social media (e.g., Facebook, You Tube) to communicate to practitioners, researchers,
faculty and students.
What strategies are
recommended for the advancement of women in research careers?
and other major funders can continue to encourage young women to become
investigators, and eventually principal investigators, through training and
other grants. ADEA can help facilitate an exchange of information between women
investigators and researchers to encourage collaboration and co-authorship.
ADEA can help women faculty learn to better manage competing responsibilities
and interests (e.g., family, practice, research, faculty mentoring). ADEA can
continue to push for incentives to initiate and build research careers (e.g.,
tuition forgiveness, stipends, conference attendance and presentation support).
- Make
mentoring connections between students, young investigators and senior
researchers to encourage and develop research teams.
- Begin
early with educating young women in high school and undergraduate on dentistry
and the role they can play in improving women’s health.
- Organize
research training sessions for students and young investigators at ADEA Annual
Session & Exhibition or other ADEA meetings.
Dental schools can
encourage and/or facilitate faculty and students to research and become engaged
in solutions pertaining to local women’s health issues and clinical needs.