Race-Conscious Admissions: What ADEA Members Need to Know

This Tuesday, July 3, 2018, the U.S. Justice Department and Department of Education withdrew seven guidance documents on the use of race-conscious admissions policies in higher education. In 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld race-conscious admissions policies in Fisher v. University of Texas, Austin, and affirmed the previous rulings allowing colleges to consider race as one of many factors in evaluating candidates for admission. Because the withdrawal of these documents does not actually change the law regarding race-conscious admissions policies, ADEA will continue its work to promote holistic admissions processes in North American academic dental institutions, including technical training and assistance for our members. Additionally, please know that ADEA remains committed to the educational benefits of diversity and to developing a culturally competent workforce that is equipped to serve the oral health needs of an increasingly diverse nation. For more information about ADEA’s access, diversity and inclusion efforts, please see adea.org/adi or contact us at diversity@adea.org. The full range of ADEA Advocacy and Government Relations resources is available here.

July 6, 2018