Submitting to the Journal of Dental Education

The Journal of Dental Education (JDE) uses an electronic submission and review workflow-based system. 

Working with ScholarOne Manuscripts, the JDE accepts all manuscript submissions online.

Letters to the Editor should be emailed directly to Dr. Michael Reddy. Authors can upload manuscripts to the website, receive email notifications and track their submissions online as they pass through the editorial and review process.

Prior to submitting your manuscript, please review the JDE’s Information for Authors.

Submissions Frequently Asked Questions

Submissions to the JDE must be made online.

Accounts can be created by clicking "Create an Account" on the JDE submission login page.


The JDE only accepts manuscripts submitted online.

If you have questions please email Sue Kimner at


Many questions about the submission process can be answered at the Manuscript Central's "Get Help Now" section

Support is also available over the phone from midnight on Monday to 8:30 p.m. Eastern on Friday at 434-961-4100 or 1-888-503-1050, or you can send an email.


The JDE limits all titles to 150 characters and all abstracts to 250 words. Original articles should not exceed 3,500 words, excluding the abstract, illustrations and references.

In addition to these word limits, there should be no more than six tables and figures and the number of references should not exceed 50 (unless the article is a systematic review).


The JDE welcomes submissions that report research and address issues in the following areas:

  1. Predoctoral Dental Education
  2. Advanced Dental Education
  3. Allied Dental Education
  4. Interprofessional Dental Education
  5. Community-Based Dental Education
  6. Global Dental Education
  7. Use of Technology in Dental Education
  8. Assessment 
  9. Faculty Issues/Development
  10. Continuing Education

Once submitted, manuscripts will be reviewed by the JDE Editor for relevancy.


Each author and co-author will receive an email once their manuscript has been successfully submitted.

You can track the progress of your submission through the editorial and review process by logging in and clicking "Author Center."


No, all manuscripts must be written in English and submitted exclusively to the JDE in order to be considered for publication. Follow American (rather than British) English spelling and punctuation style.


If you are interested in reviewing books for the Journal, contact Dr. Michael Reddy, Editor, Journal of Dental Education at


Yes, duplicate ScholarOne manuscripts accounts can be merged.

Send an email to Sue Kimner at with the full name of the account holder and the email addresses associated with duplicate accounts. You must indicate which email address should be the primary contact.


Yes, the Journal of Dental Education welcomes submissions using Endnote.

These submissions can be made online. Just choose "click here to submit an Endnote manuscript" in your "Author Dashboard" after logging in.

The Journal of Dental Education considers manuscripts submitted electronically, prepared in Microsoft Word. Authors are urged to follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (formerly known as the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals), developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Updated in December 2019, the recommendations can be found on the ICMJE website.

You can find specific procedures for the JDE in the “Information for Authors” document, located in the Instructions & Forms link on the JDE submission site. These instructions are also available on the JDE website.


Create an account online. Make sure to complete your profile, as this data is used in selecting appropriate reviewers.

If chosen as a reviewer, you will be sent an email with further instructions.


Account information can be changed once logged into the submission site.

Just click the "Edit my Account" link in the upper-right hand side of the screen. Once you have made the necessary changes, click finish to save.


No, you do not have to complete your submission in one session. Ensure that you save your progress before exiting the website. You may return to your submission by clicking on "Unsubmitted Manuscripts" in your author dashboard once you have logged back in.


Many questions about the manuscript submission process can be answered at the ScholarOne Manuscript Central Get Help Now section. Support is available by phone at 434-961-4100 or 1-888-503-1050 from midnight on Mondays to 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Fridays, or you can send an email to

Address correspondence relating to copyright and other business matters to Sue Kimner, Director of Publishing, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20001; (202) 289-7201 ext. 173;