To avoid confusion, each type of motion is assigned a definite rank. The rank is based on the urgency of each motion. When a motion is before the House, any motion is in order if it has a higher precedence or rank than the immediately pending motion, but no motion having a lower precedence is in order.
Motions are considered and decided in a reverse order to that of their proposal. For example, a motion to amend the main motion is dispensed with before the main motion, and a motion to amend an amendment is voted on before the original
motion to amend.
After a motion to approve is made and seconded, the resolution is before the House for debate, amendment and final action. A motion to approve is a main motion, and a vote by the House disposes of the resolution. A motion to postpone to a certain time may be used to defer consideration of a resolution until some
definite future time during this ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition.
Resolutions may be referred to the ADEA Board of Directors, councils or sections for their recommendations. An amendment to the ADEA Bylaws is enacted if it receives an affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the delegates
present and voting.