What is the deadline for submission?
Applications are accepted annually for an Oct. 1 deadline of each year. Applicants will be notified of the Board’s decision by Dec. 1.
Where do I send my completed application?
All completed applications may be sent to the ADEA COS Staff Liaison.
Who is eligible to apply?
Any member of a Section or Special Interest Group (SIG) is eligible to apply. But preference will be given to Section/SIG endorsed projects.
How long is the project term?
The maximum term for a project funded by the ADEA COS Project Pool is two years. Funded projects are not eligible for extensions unless under extreme circumstances. Any extensions, including no cost extensions, need to be approved by ADEA COS Project Pool Committee and the designated ADEA COS Administrative Board Liaison to the PPC.
How is the application evaluated?
The Project Pool Committee reviews all applications following criterion set in the evaluation rubric. The Committee then forwards its recommendations to the ADEA COS Administrative Board for final approval. Applicants are notified of the Board’s decision by Dec. 1.
What makes an application competitive?
The application must be clearly written and meet all application criteria.
Are there any reporting requirements?
Yes. Project Pool Interim Status Reports are due twice per year—30 days prior to the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition and 30 days prior to the ADEA Fall Meetings. All reports must be submitted to the designated ADEA COS Administrative Board Liaison to the PPC and the ADEA COS staff liaison.
When is the final report due?
The final report is due within 45 days after the project term date. Additionally, a formal presentation at an ADEA COS meeting will be required during an ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition or ADEA Fall Meetings.
What are the budgetary guidelines or limitations?
Each application must include a line item budget listing all anticipated expenditures. Allowable funding categories include technical, clerical and administrative support staff expenses directly tied to the project, consultant fees for such activities as survey design and statistical analysis as well as direct expenses, such as paper, printing and postage.
Project Pool funds cannot be used to cover project director salaries, equipment costs, webpage support and indirect costs/overhead or travel expenses to meetings, symposia or workshops. ADEA Council of Sections Project Pool has only $25,000 annual budget to allocate. If an application is submitted requesting $25,000 or more, it will not be considered for funding. Please keep this in mind when setting the project’s budget.
What happens if there are residual funds at the end of a project?
All residual funds must be returned to the ADEA COS Project Pool, with a summary of funds used.
Make all checks payable to:
ADEA Council of Sections Staff Liaison
American Dental Education Association
655 K St. NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20001
Any additional questions may be directed to the ADEA COS Project Pool Committee chair or the ADEA COS Staff Liaison.