The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) is launching a dental education-wide climate assessment survey to collect baseline data on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at U.S. and Canadian dental schools and allied dental education programs. This inaugural climate assessment is a crucial step in assisting academic dentistry in fostering a more humanistic environment and in measuring the perceptions of students, faculty, staff and administrators regarding inclusion, equity and diversity.

The climate study is free and open to all U.S. and Canadian dental schools and allied dental education programs. Each dental school and allied dental program will select a date in January or February 2022 to launch the survey. It will gauge the perceptions of students, faculty, staff and administrators and include questions on diversity, equity, well-being and resiliency, belonging and inclusion topics. The climate assessment data will also serve as an important tool in gathering evidence-based data to guide new and enhanced DEI strategic initiatives in dental education.

Learn more about the Climate Study.



➽ Download a printable version of the ADEA Campus Climate Study Timeline.PDF

 Conduct contract execution, preplanning meetings and formation of ADEA CDECA.  
 Hold project kickoff and check-in meetings with ADEA and CDECA.   
  AUG - OCT 
 Review existing documentation and surveys.  
 Conduct system-level equity review of policies and practices.  
 Implement buy-in and registration campaign for dental schools and allied dental programs. (Through mid-November)   
 Design survey with key stakeholders, engage translation services and complete IRB process.  
  OCT - DEC 
 Offer ongoing orientation and training of campus liaisons. (Through mid-December)

Perform survey outreach and marketing to stakeholders, dental schools and allied dental programs (ongoing roll of targeted marketing to campuses as they register).  
  JAN - FEB 
 Launch survey and begin key ADEA stakeholder meetings.*

Conduct survey analysis—campuses and master dataset. 
  MAR - APR 
 Hold focus groups.**

Finish key interviews with ADEA Stakeholders. 
 Finalize data analysis, create reports and develop dissemination plan for results.  
 Report presentations to key stakeholders.  

Note: This projected timeline will be updated to reflect necessary modifications and task completion.

*Dental schools and allied dental programs determine the date for official campus launch based on their campus calendars and commitments. All dental schools and allied dental programs are given the survey timeframe to launch at the campus level, beginning Jan. 3 through Feb. 18, 2022, with the goal of keeping surveys open for four to six weeks. All surveys must close and wrap up with final data collected by the campus spring 2022 or March 31, 2022, whichever one occurs first.

**Focus group topics and stakeholders identified based on literature, feasibility study results and early analysis of climate survey data.


All Questions and Inquiries

ADEA Climate Study

Press and Media Inquiries

Kellie Bove
ADEA Senior Director of Marketing and Branding