ADEA CCI Liaison Ledger

Winter 2017: Person-centered Care

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If you’ve had a chance to look at this month’s Journal of Dental Education (JDE), I hope you noticed that the ADEA CCI 2.0 has released a new white paper. The topic: person-centered care. We believe that person-centered care will be the next guidepost for the health professions, and we’re eager to get ADEA members talking about how we can prepare our students and ourselves to provide care that is both holistic and tailored to the needs, values and preferences of the individuals and families we serve.

Summer 2010: ETeaching Technologies

Introduction | Permanent link

In this edition of the ADEA CCI Liaison Ledger, we share some lessons learned by experienced users of eteaching technologies and take a look at their potential moving forward. We visit the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Dental Branch (UTDB), where a broad range of technologies has become an integral part of the educational landscape.

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