Teeth Reach: More WVU-trained Dentists Staying in West Virginia to Practice

The number of West Virginia University School of Dentistry (WVU SOD) graduates from the Class of 2023 who decided to start their career in West Virginia after graduation more than doubled compared to the previous year. “Empowering our graduates to become dental professionals in our state is a lifeline for our community’s oral health,” said Valerie Perrine, D.D.S., WVU SOD Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Community Health and Outreach. 

New University of Michigan SOD Study Finds Pandemic Slowed the Continued Drop in Opioid Prescriptions for Dental Procedures
The success of a national push to reduce opioid prescriptions for dental procedures is continuing, according to a new University of Michigan study, but the progress slowed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers from the University of Michigan Medical School and School of Dentistry found that Americans undergoing painful dental procedures are far less likely to be prescribed opioid painkillers than they were just a few years ago. 

100 Years of ADEA: Dr. Sandra Andrieu
The profile of Sandra Andrieu, Ph.D., is our final entry in the 100 Years of ADEA Profile series, acknowledging many of those who have made their mark on ADEA as an organization and on the profession of dental education over the past 100 years. Dr. Andrieu not only served as ADEA President, championing interprofessional education during her term, but she has also weathered many challenges as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Louisiana State University Health New Orleans School of Dentistry, from Hurricane Katrina to the COVID-19 pandemic. In her Q&A, she shares her experiences transitioning from a dental hygienist to a dental educator and academic leadership and the many things she learned along the way.

Texas A&M SOD Faculty Honored at Tenure and Promotion Celebration

University of Michigan SOD’s Dr. Isabelle Lombaert Receives Major Innovation Award

Columbia CDM Dean Christian S. Stohler Receives Shils-Meskin Award for Innovation in Dental Education

Fresno City College Offers First Bachelor’s Degree in Fall 2024 in Dental Hygiene

Bridging the Dental Workforce Gap in New Hampshire

University of Pennsylvania SOD: Three Sisters Sharing Penn Dental Medicine Education

University of Missouri - Kansas City SOD Teams Up with TeamSmile and Kansas City Chiefs for Oral Healthcare Event

Community Innovation Grant Will Help Address Health Disparities in Underserved Communities

Chippewa Valley Technical College’s Dental Programs Director Receives Wisconsin Dental Association Award

Unique Dental Assisting Program in Portland Changes Lives

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