Bulletin of Dental Education

Use Your Voice and Join Us For the 2020 AADR, ADEA and FNIDCR Joint Capitol Hill Day

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Are you a dental and craniofacial researcher, oral health advocate, dental educator, student, resident or fellow? Are you already planning to attend the 2020 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, March 14–17, in National Harbor, MD? Then make the most of your journey and join the American Association for Dental Research (AADR), ADEA and the Friends of National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (FNIDCR) on Tuesday, March 17, for the 2020 AADR, ADEA and FNIDCR Joint Capitol Hill Day.

Share your personal stories and spotlight the promise and economic impact of dental programs, including those at NIDCR, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Oral Health and the Health Resources and Services Administration. The day will include a morning briefing and training session with the afternoon dedicated to small group meetings with Members of Congress and their staff.

Plan to attend and register for the event. Make your voice heard!

Published on Feb. 12, 2020

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