Bulletin of Dental Education

Help Us Celebrate the 2020 Gies Award Honorees at the 13th Annual Awards Gala

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The William J. Gies Awards for Vision, Innovation and Achievement (The Gies Awards) is the most anticipated annual event in oral health and dental education. The awards honor the efforts of individuals, institutions and organizations to meaningfully advance oral health and dental education. The ADEAGies Foundation® is hosting the 13th Annual Gies Awards gala on the evening of March 16 in tandem with the 2020 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition in National Harbor, MD. 

Tickets and various sponsorship levels are available for purchase online

The deadline to submit sponsorship forms—Feb. 17—is fast approaching. If you are interested in a corporate sponsorship opportunity, please contact Simone Smith, ADEA Senior Manager for Corporate Relations, at smiths@adea.org or call 202-513-1196.

Published on Feb. 12, 2020

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