Bulletin of Dental Education

ADEA Members Gather to Discuss Dynamics of Power, Privilege and Microaggressions

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On Jan. 22, the ADEA Board of Directors and ADEA Joint Council Administrative Boards (JCAB) gathered for an engaging discussion and collaboration highlighting the theme of “Humanism Through the Lens of Power and Privilege.”

The day began with a welcome address from Henry A. Gremillion, D.D.S., MAGD, Chair of the ADEA Board of Directors and Dean of Louisiana State University Health New Orleans School of Dentistry; Karen P. West, D.M.D., M.P.H., ADEA President and CEO; and Sonya G. Smith, Ed.D., J.D., ADEA Chief Diversity Officer. The presenter, Linda Centore, Ph.D., ANP-BC, led an energetic and informative session that included case study facilitation by students, Toufic Abbas, DH-2 and Temitayo Akinyemi, D-3 from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry; Akeadra Bell, D-4 from the East Carolina University School of Dental Medicine; Jordan Brown, D-4 from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry; and Dan Walker, D-3 from the University of Washington School of Dentistry.

JCAB PhotoThe interactive session included brainstorming around the dynamics of power, privilege and microaggressions. Case studies were used to discuss dynamics and power imbalances. The case studies were tools to understand how policies and initiatives can better support historically underrepresented and marginalized groups and foster a humanistic environment in dental education. The participants separated into groups, representing faculty, deans, students, staff and administrators, and were asked to take on perspectives and roles different from their own and to provide a diverse perspective to the case study questions. Dr. Centore encouraged everyone to examine their own power and privilege as it relates to their classroom, clinical, professional, personal and community interactions through a perspective different from their own.

Dr. Centore concluded the session by providing tools and strategies to understand better how one’s privileges might contribute to blind spots, how to analyze microaggressions from a position of power and how to synthesize core principles and create a toolbox to promote and support a humanistic environment in the dental education setting.

Published on Feb. 12, 2020

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