ADEA Washington Update

Senate Committee on Appropriations - July 2018

(Funding, Legislation, Senate, HHS, Department of Education, Financial Aid, Graduate Students, Higher Education, Opioid Abuse, Prescription Drug Abuse) Permanent link   All Posts

On June 28, the Senate Committee on Appropriations marked up its version of the Labor-HHS appropriations bill.

The Senate’s Labor-HHS bill provides a total of $181.2 billion in discretionary budget authority—$2.2 billion more than the 2018 appropriated level, including $90.1 billion for HHS (a $2.3 billion increase) and $71.4 billion for the Department of Education (a $541 million increase).

The bill provides $39.1 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an increase of $2 billion from last year’s appropriated level and $4.5 billion above the President’s budget. The increase includes an additional $425 million for Alzheimer’s disease research for a total of $2.34 billion. It also includes increases of $29 million for the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative and $37 million for research to combat antimicrobial resistance. Every NIH institute and center receives increased funding to support investments that advance science and speed the development of new therapies, diagnostics and preventive measures, improving the health of all Americans.

As part of the targeted funding to address the opioid epidemic, the bill adds $105 million for the National Health Service Corps and expands loan repayment eligibility requirements to include substance use disorder counselors.

The Senate bill maintains or increases a range of programs that help students prepare for, succeed in and pay for college, including $350 million to continue the discretionary relief fund for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), created in the FY18 Omnibus appropriations law. This initiative corrects a flaw in the mandatory PLSF program that has caused teachers and other public servants to be ineligible for forgiveness even though they are the intended beneficiaries of PSLF.

The Senate’s defense funding bill provides $607.1 billion in Department of Defense funding, including $34.5 billion for the Defense Health Program, which provides medical services for military personnel and their families, continues advancements in medical research and implements the next generation of electronic health records. This amount includes an additional $974 million for defense medical research efforts.

Please check our website, where we will shortly post a more complete memorandum with a detailed comparison of the House and Senate Labor-HHS appropriations bills. 

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