Take advantage of significant opportunities to develop leadership skills, serve the profession and develop national and international policy. Self-nominations are encouraged.

Explore Appointment Options:

Commission on Dental Accreditation Commissioner

Commission on Dental Accreditation Appeal Board

Commission on Dental Accreditation Review Committee

Council on Dental Education Licensure 

Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations 


Each commission is governed by specific criteria. If you or someone you know demonstrate the desired qualifications outlined in each position description, we welcome your application!

All applicants must be active ADEA members. In some cases, membership in the American Dental Association (ADA) is also required.


Time commitments are outlined in each position description. Commitments typically range from one to four meetings per year, plus preparation time.  


The application deadline has passed.


The application deadline has passed. 


  • After the call closes, all applications are reviewed by the Selection Committee.
  • The ADEA Board of Directors will approve final appointments and nominations during its January 2020 meeting.
  • Appointments and nominations not requiring approval by the ADEA House of Delegates (ADEA HOD) will be announced by Feb. 4, 2020.
  • Those requiring approval by the ADEA HOD will be announced following the 2020 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition.


Please direct all questions to Linda Mabrey at CallforNominations@adea.org.