At the 2022 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, there are nine learning focuses to help attendees find the most relevant programs:
& Administrative Affairs
Programs and posters that focus on accreditation, admission and selection, curriculum development, institutional and organization development and minority recruitment.
Programs and posters focus on licensure, certification, portfolios and program evaluation, student assessment, self-assessment, faculty assessment, program assessment, course evaluation.
Programs and posters that focus on evidence-based dentistry, faculty calibration, practice management and psychomotor skills.
Programs and posters that address distance learning and elearning, information management and computer applications.
Programs and posters that focus on community health, dental public health, health care systems and health policy..
Programs and posters that focus on ethics and professionalism, family and domestic violence, jurisprudence and legal issues, patient safety and medical errors, quality improvement, substance abuse, tobacco cessation and women’s health.
Personal and Professional Development
Programs and posters that focus on continuing dental education, faculty development, grant writing, mentoring, research methods, teaching skills and manuscript writing.
Students & Alumni Affairs
Programs and posters that focus on career choice, student financial aid, student debt and student success.
Programs and posters that focuses on cognition, human learning and problem solving, communications and interpersonal skills, critical thinking, educational methodologies, instructional materials, interprofessional education and collaborative learning, service learning and team-based learning.
Wellness (Academic Community and/or Patients)
Programs and posters that focuses on diversity and inclusion, personal and academic counseling and disaster preparedness.
List of Keywords for each domain.