Format: Poster (See poster format descriptions below)
Duration: Time assigned (usually 2-3 hours)
Number of presenters: One presenter is recommended; all presenters
must be registered attendees. There is no limit on the number of poster
Room set: 4’x8’ poster board in the Exhibit Hall
AV package: Poster board easels and thumbtacks or pushpins are provided; no AV equipment is provided.
Research Posters: Presentations address problems or issues in dental or allied dental education. Topics accepted for this category typically include admissions, alumni/student demographics, clinical research, educational research, teaching methodologies, new technologies, instructional systems,
evaluation, clinic administration, information systems, communication systems, health services, quality assurance and faculty development.
Rubric: Educational Poster Rubric
Student Poster
Competition: ADEA holds a competition for student posters at each ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition. Awardees are provided a stipend at the end of the meeting. For a poster to be eligible, a student must be the primary author. Students must be full-time in predoctoral or allied dental programs,
and must not hold full-time faculty positions. Student posters are evaluated by seasoned association members.