ADEA Chapter of the Year
The ADEA Chapter of the Year Award acknowledges the extraordinary efforts and performance of a local ADEA Chapter as it exemplifies the values and mission of both ADEA and the ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows; reflects strong member growth and retention; produces quality chapter activities and programming; and works to be inclusive of all members of their school community.
Indiana University School of Dentistry
Best New ADEA Chapter Award
The Best New ADEA Chapter Award goes to an ADEA Chapter that began three years ago or less and exemplifies the values and mission of both ADEA and the ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows, reflecting active chapter growth and producing at least one quality chapter activity or program throughout the academic year.
University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry
ADEA Chapter Discover Your Pathway Award
To honor the special theme of 2020 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, “Discover Your Pathway,” we present this award to the chapter whose programming best represents the ideas shared through the 2020 Annual Session theme.
University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine
ADEA Chapter Award for Vision
The Award for Vision goes to the chapter(s) who, over the past year, articulated the pursuit of contemporary ideas or a set of ideals, perspectives, or solutions to create broader meaning for dental education and effectively bridge the present with the future of oral health.
University of Illinois at Chicago School of Dentistry
University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston
ADEA Chapter Award for Innovation
The Award for Innovation goes to the chapter(s) who over the past year facilitated the creation, change, evolution, and application of ideas that bring new value to our profession or industry and enhance oral health through dental education.
Roseman University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine – South Jordan, Utah
Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine
ADEA Chapter Award for Achievement
The Award for Achievement goes to the chapter(s) who, over the past year, achieved socially commendable actions that make a substantial contribution to oral health and dental education.
University of California, San Francisco, School of Dentistry
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry
ADEA Chapter Award for Growth
The Award for Growth goes to the chapter(s) who, over the past year, focused on their internal growth, improving chapter membership, quantity and quality of events hosted, and/or hosting fundraisers for the students and faculty alike.
Pacific University School of Dental Hygiene Studies
University of Louisville School of Dentistry
Distinguished Chapter Award—Gold Level Chapter
Gold Level Chapters are registered ADEA chapters who have hosted six or more chapter events throughout the academic year, have student involvement from all academic levels, and have chapter members who participated in ADEA national events such as the ADEA Capitol Hill Day, ADEA Advanced Dental Education eForum, ADEA Diversity Workshop, ADEA Fall Meetings, ADEA Student Diversity Leadership Program, and the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition.
A.T. Still University Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health
Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine
Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC
Indiana University School of Dentistry
Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry
Roseman University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine – South Jordan, Utah
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
University of California, San Francisco, School of Dentistry
University of Illinois at Chicago School of Dentistry
University of Louisville School of Dentistry
University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston
Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine
Distinguished Chapter Award—Silver Level Chapter
Silver Level Chapters are registered ADEA chapters who have hosted three to five chapter events throughout the academic year, have student involvement from all academic levels, and have chapter members who participated in ADEA national events such as the ADEA Capitol Hill Day, ADEA Advanced Dental Education eForum, ADEA Diversity Workshop, ADEA Fall Meetings, ADEA Student Diversity Leadership Program, and the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition.
NYU College of Dentistry
Pacific University School of Dental Hygiene Studies
University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine
University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine
University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Dentistry
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry
Distinguished Chapter Award—Bronze Level Chapter
Bronze Level Chapters are registered ADEA chapters who have hosted one to two chapter events throughout the academic year and have chapter members who participated in ADEA national events such as the ADEA Capitol Hill Day, ADEA Advanced Dental Education eForum, ADEA Diversity Workshop, ADEA Fall Meetings, ADEA Student Diversity Leadership Program, and the ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition.
University of Minnesota School of Dentistry
University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry
University of Washington School of Dentistry